Friday, May 30, 2008

The purple happiness bracelet

I listened on the radio to an interview with Rev. Will Bowen, who preaches that our thoughts create our world and our words indicate our thoughts. When we eliminate complaining from our lives we will enjoy happier relationships, better health and greater prosperity. So he created the Complaint Free program to help people to set a trap for their own negativity and redirect their minds towards a more positive and rewarding life. For him, sadness is a direct result of our attitude towards life, it's our conscious decision to not be happy. He then created a business out distributing purple bracelets that you can use to control your thoughts, to help you create the habit of being happy. Every time you have a sad thought or a complaint, you have to move the bracelet to another arm and you have to start counting the days again. If you manage to pass 21 days without changing the bracelet, most likely you will have trained yourself to be happy, you will have developed the habit of happiness. I don't now if this habit will make you as happy as he is with the big business that he created around the idea.

Check out his site:

They even announce Complaint free cruises on the site...